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经口腔黏膜气雾剂是一种新型给药方式。由于无肝脏受过效应(first pass elimination),起效快,剂量准确,避免强烈的胃肠道反应,保持药物的清洁及无菌状态并维持很好的患者依从性等一系列优点。近年来,除在呼吸系统方面的光放应用外,其他领域的研究及应用逐渐活跃。 LMC5000387公司专注于神经,抗感染等领域的气雾剂的创新研发,拥有受专利保护气雾剂平台。 LMP0831是一款针对化疗后严重恶心呕吐症状的气雾剂。
根据美国NCI的相关报告, 70-80%接受化疗的癌症病人都会出现严重的恶心呕吐的副反应(Emesis),会很大程度的影响到患者的生活质量及其依从性。严重者会造成代谢紊乱(metabolic derangements),营养不良及厌食(Nutritional depletion and anorexia)伤口开裂(Wound dehiscence)等一系列严重的不良反应。 急性呕吐出现在化疗开始后的1-2小时内,而迟发性的呕吐会出现在化疗结束的24小时之后。 此外,11%-29%的接受化疗的还会出现预期性的恶心呕吐(Anticipatory emesis)指在化疗开始前就出现的恶心呕吐现象,且往往与既往严重的负面恶心呕吐经历相关。
1. 治疗癌症患者化疗后引发的恶心呕吐,快速起效,
2. 某已上市成熟药物的气雾剂新剂型,受专利保护的气雾剂产品
3. 可观的市场容量,全球高达15亿美金(预估医药)
4. 受专利保护,已转让韩国市场权利
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Oro-mucosal spray for Chemotherapy-induced emesis
Oro-mucosal spray is an innovative drug-delivery route, which can provide meaningful benefits compared to other modes of drug administration, including: faster onset of action by avoiding first pass metabolism in the liver, minimise dose variation, avoiding serve gastrointestinal reaction, and guarantee infertility and increase patient compliance. In recent years, oro-muxcosal spray has been applied in other therapeutic areas . LMC5000387 is a drug delivery company focused on oro-mucosal administration, especially in the area of Infectious and parasitic diseases, Mental and behavioural disorders. LMP0831 is the world’s first oral spray formulation for Chemotherapy-induced emesis
According to NCI,70% to 80% of all cancer patients receiving chemotherapy experience emesis. Acute emesis: begins 1 to 2 hours post the start of chemotherapy. It is self-limited and rarely life-threatening, which has significant impact on the quality of life and compliance of the patient with chemotherapy. Acute emesis: begins 1 to 2 hours post the start of chemotherapy. Delayed emesis: also called late emesis, It occurs 24 hours after chemotherapy. Anticipatory emesis: develops before chemotherapy starts. It is associated with prior negative experiences of chemotherapy. Besides, 29% and 11% of patients receiving chemotherapy suffer from anticipatory nausea and anticipatory vomiting, respectively.
By EvaluatePharma, worldwide market size reached 1.36 billion USA dollars in 2016 and slightly increase to 1.46 billion USA dollars in 2022 for the whole Emesis (Chemotherapy induced) market.
LMP0831 project highligts
1. Oral spray formulation indicated for Chemotherapy-induced emesis
2. First patented oral spray formulation of one marketed drug
3. Considerable market size, forcasted to reach 1.5 billion USA dollars
4. Patented product which has license out Korean market right
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