关于DI(Data Integrity),这两年已经炒的火热。从最初的非常关心,到现在的每天都被相关的信息轰炸后的漠然。因为这两年有太多的DI缺陷被FDA发现发出警告信的故事,也有太多的公司靠着DI的热潮赚钱(这里就不说只顾着赚钱内功都没有修炼好的国外各大仪器厂商以及到现在还没有反应过来的国内仪器厂商了)。就是这些时间造成了我的漠然。
1:How often should audittrails be reviewed?
FDA recommends that audit trails that capture changes to critical data bereviewed with each record and before final approval of the record. Audit trails subject to regular review shouldinclude, but are not limited to, the following: the change history of finishedproduct test results, changes to sample run sequences, changes to sampleidentification,and changes to critical process parameters.
这个是草案的原话,就是关于审计追踪审核的周期的问答。我们目前后半部分达到要求了,就是定期的审核审计追踪(有些厂商的仪器对于审计追踪做的并不是特别好,我们只能基于厂商的软件基础上将能够审核的审核了),但是我们还没有在capture changesto critical data的相关记录最终批准之前进行审核。比如我们某个批次进行了手动积分,或者相关参数进行了更改,那么在这个记录批准之前需要对该批次的审计追踪进行审核。
2:Why is FDA concerned with the use of shared loginaccounts for computer systems?
You must exercise appropriate controls toassure that only authorized personnel make changes to computerized MPCRs, orother records, or input laboratory data into computerized records, and you mustimplement documentation controls that ensure actions are attributable to aspecific individual (see §§ 211.68(b), 211.188(b)(11), 211.194(a)(7) and (8),and 212.50(c)(10)). When login credentials are shared, a unique individualcannot be identified through the login and the system would thus not conform tothe CGMP requirements in parts 211 and 212. FDA requires that systems controls,including documentation controls, be designed to follow CGMP to assure productquality (for example, §§ 211.100 and 212.50).
3:Does each workflow on our computer system needto be validated?
Yes, a workflow, such as creation of an electronicmaster production and control record (MPCR), is an intended use of a computersystem to be checked through validation (see§§ 211.63, 211.68(b), and211.110(a)). Ifyou validate the computer system, but you do not validate it for its intendeduse, you cannot know if your workflow runs correctly. For example,qualifying the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) platform, a computersystem, ensures that it meets specifications; however, it does not demonstratethat a given MPCR generated by the MES contains the correct calculations. Inthis example, validating the workflow ensures that the intended steps,specifications, and calculations in theMPCR are accurate. This is similar to reviewing a paper MPCR and ensuring all supportingprocedures are in place before the MPCR is implemented in production (see§§211.100, 211.186, and 212.50(b), and the guidance for industry PET Drugs —Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP)). FDA recommends you implementappropriate controls to manage risks associated with each element of thesystem. Controls that are appropriately designed to validate a system for itsintended use address software, hardware, personnel, and documentation.